Welcome to my Website!


Over the summer, i'll be working on this website as a fun way to pass the time. Here's the link to a random website: YouTube.

Proud to part of the

Here's proof that the website is under construction:

Click here for some cool pictures I've taken!!!


If anyone's reading this, then right about now I'm learning HTML coding. I started this project in summer (june) of 2022. The plan is to update this as the school year goes on.

Need proof that I'm actually me? here, a picture of my dogs and cat, daisy, pulgoso and coco:

← A photo of my pets.

Well, right now I'm still learning how to code, so if you know me in real life, let me know with any comments.

And because I didn't buy this website (I'm too cheap to pay the 5$ a month), There's this logo, so have fun staring at it.

Here's some cool stuff that's nostalgic to me!

Some Things I like

d r e a m s

Click here to read some dreams!

What's Victor Been Up To?

Come see all the random stuff I go through in my day to day life!

Fun Facts With Victor!